Clouds Safeguarding
“ You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup ”
Meet Hayley Cameron...
" Hello, I’m Hayley Cameron, a highly experienced safeguarding and education leader with over 20 years of expertise. I have held pivotal roles, including Class Teacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Deputy Head Teacher, Acting Head Teacher and Education Safeguarding Manager. With a Master’s in Advanced Child Protection, I provide strategic guidance and emotional support to designated safe guarding leads (DSLs) and school staff nationwide, shaping best practices to uphold the highest standards of child safety.
I love sharing my knowledge by speaking at events and podcasts worldwide, sparking meaningful conversations about safeguarding. I also offer Reflective Talk Sessions, a safe, professional space where individuals can be heard, understood, and connect with their emotions in a validating and supportive environment."
Telephone: (+44) 07872051270
" Hayley is one of the most genuine and kind people i have ever met. I constantly see her supporting others, going above and beyond what she needs to do to help other people out. If you get the opportunity to work with or connect with her, I highly recommend it. She is someone worth having in your corner. "
Andy Baker - 'Able To Care' podcast host, June 2024
My Reflective Talk Sessions. A safe, compassionate space, inspired by Maya Angelou’s vision of being a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
Explore my guest appearances on various podcasts and talks, where I discuss resilience, personal growth and all things safeguarding.
Discover tools, insights, and resources on safeguarding, resilience, and personal growth to support your well-being and professional development.